Global You Adventurer adalah program online di mana siswa akan belajar bagaimana cara berkomunikasi dengan siswa lain dari lintas budaya dan menjadi bagian dari komunitas global..
Global You Adventurer adalah program online di mana siswa akan belajar bagaimana cara berkomunikasi dengan siswa lain dari lintas budaya dan menjadi bagian dari komunitas global..
AFS Global STEM Educators is a 6-week, full-scholoarship, virtual exchange program program for in-service Educators worldwide (ages 18+) teaching STEM (Science , Technology, Engineering, Mathematics)..
Program ini adalah program beasiswa online penuh selama 5 minggu, fokus kepada STEM and sustainability, kompetensi global, serta pembelajaran antarbudaya dengan workshop secara..
Full-scholarships, 12-week interactive online certificate program for girls around the world, ages 15-17.5, with a focus on sustainability and positive social impact, empowering girls to become..
Full-scholarship, a 16-week program that starts with a STEM & social impact curriculum (12 weeks online), followed by a 4-week immersive travel experience to one of the six Academy..
Full-scholarship, STEM, and sustainability-focused intercultural exchange programs, funded by bp. The program is a suite of immersive learning programs to equip diverse young people..