Intercultural learning is also a process that enhance our relations with others. Through the ability to communicate with others, we channel our ideas to be noticed by others, allowing the process of exchange of ideas. This process will allow increased mutual understanding between individuals of different cultures, as well as to open opportunities for collaboration to achieve common mission.
The theme to this cycle of ICL writing competition is “Building relations for the exchange of ideas”. We want to know how you were able to develop in terms of collaborating with others through intercultural learning. Given your experience as an exchange student as well as Bina Antarbudaya volunteer, describe examples that you have encountered that represents the theme, and how it gives meaning to your life. You can explore new ideas based on your experience and reflection as recommendation for others to have awareness of the importance of interpersonal relation through exchange of ideas to foster collaboration among different cultural context and background.
Mechanism and Criteria
1. Article is written in English
2. Written article should contain at least 500 words, and maximum 700 words. Photos describing the writing should also be attached
3. Articles written in soft copy format (.doc)
4. After being submitted, Bina Antarbudaya is allowed to use the story as publication material or reference material to develop ICL
5. Content should be originally developed (no plagiarism is allowed)
6. Score will be based on writing structure, development of idea, relevancy, keu message, and grammar.
Submit your stories before June 15th, 2017 to fathu.hidayat@afs.org
Three best stories will receive a prize from Bina Antarbudaya!